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Graphic Design Trends for 2024: A Look Ahead


Sasha Lewis

May 20, 2024

As we approach the end of 2023, the design world eagerly anticipates the fresh and innovative graphic design trends that 2024 will bring. The past year has showcased a blend of nostalgia, futurism, and a focus on sustainability, reflecting the world’s collective mood and priorities. So, what’s next for the ever-evolving world of graphic design? Let’s explore the trends we can expect to dominate in 2024, drawing comparisons to the styles that graced our screens and prints in 2023.

1. Return of the Flat Design


The past year saw a massive surge in 3D illustrations, gradients, and shadowing, giving designs depth and dimension.


A revival of flat designs is on the horizon. Stripping away the bells and whistles, the renewed flat design trend focuses on simplicity, clarity, and minimalism. Expect to see bold yet straightforward illustrations, making a statement through bright color palettes and unembellished iconography.

2. Mix & Match Typography


Typography in the past year leaned heavily into bold, oversized fonts that commanded attention.


The trend will evolve into a mix & match approach, combining different font styles and sizes. Designers will play with serif and sans-serif, creating contrasting visuals, which although eclectic, will maintain a harmonious balance.

3. Sustainable & Eco-centric Designs


Graphic design trends were dominated by the tech-futuristic vibe, reflecting rapid technological advancements.


The focus will shift towards sustainability. With increasing global attention on environmental issues, designs will incorporate more nature-inspired colors, eco-friendly materials, and themes that highlight the planet’s beauty and the need to protect it.

4. Hand-drawn Illustrations


Vector illustrations and animations had their moment.


A shift towards authenticity and personal touch is imminent. Hand-drawn illustrations, with their imperfect lines and organic feel, will dominate, giving designs a human touch and relatable charm.

5. Vintage Modern Fusion


Retro designs inspired by the ’80s and ’90s, such as neon colors and pixel art, gained traction.


The vintage trend will blend with modern aesthetics. Think of it as a merger between past and present: designs may have a black-and-white vintage photo layered with bold modern typography or retro icons incorporated into sleek modern layouts.

6. Subtle Animations


The year of loud, intricate, and often overwhelming animations.


Subtlety will take center stage. Small, meaningful animations that enhance the user experience without distracting from the content will become the norm. These could be in the form of micro-interactions on websites or subtle movements in digital ads.

7. Immersive Abstract Art


Literal and representative designs were prominent.


Abstract art will take the lead, encouraging viewers to immerse themselves and interpret designs in their unique way. Expect a surge in non-representational shapes, patterns, and colors that evoke emotion and stimulate imagination.

8. Dark Mode Design Mastery


The introduction and rise of dark mode in various apps and websites.


Designers will perfect the art of dark mode, moving beyond just inverting colors. Expect designs optimized for OLED screens, with contrasting color schemes that reduce eye strain and save battery life while looking aesthetically pleasing.

9. Cultural Fusion


A focus on individual regional and cultural themes.


With the world becoming more connected, designs will reflect a blend of different cultures. This fusion will celebrate global unity and diversity, leading to eclectic and inclusive designs that resonate on a global scale.

10. Augmented Reality (AR) Integrations


AR was largely seen as a separate entity, used mainly in gaming and specific applications.


Augmented reality will weave itself into everyday graphic design. Be it interactive posters, magazines, or even product packaging, AR will enhance the user experience, blurring the lines between the digital and physical worlds.

In conclusion, 2024 is gearing up to be a transformative year in graphic design trends. The overarching theme seems to be one of balance – balancing past with present, simplicity with complexity, and technology with nature. As always, trends serve as a guide, but true creativity shines when designers integrate these trends in a way that resonates with their unique message and audience. Here’s to a year filled with stunning visuals, meaningful narratives, and boundary-pushing designs!

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